Name: |
Raja Irfan Sabir |
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0086-15926381741 |
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Room No. 542, School of Management, |
• Post Doctoral Candidate: Management and Engineering Sciences
• More than 20 International Publications
• 1 and 1/2 Years Experience of Lectureship
• Sub-Editor: Automark Magazine, Pakistan.
• Member: China Association for Management of Technology, P.R. China.
• Religion: Islam
• Nationality: Pakistani
• Post Doctoral Candidate in Management and Engineering Sciences. Huazhong University of Science & Technology (September, 2009 to July, 2011).
• PhD in Management and Engineering Sciences. Wuhan University of Technology (July, 2009).
• Masters in Business Administration. Allama Iqbal Open University, Pakistan (2005).
• Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Sciences. Allama Iqbal Open University (2005).
• Bachelors of Commerce, Allama Iqbal Open University, Pakistan (2002).
• Star Award: Awarded by the PDMA Visions Magazine, USA. October, 2009.
• Scholarship Holder: Awarded by the Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the completion of Doctoral Degree program 2006-2009.
• Scholarship Holder: Awarded by the Government of China for the completion of Doctoral Degree program 2006-2009.
• Distinct Foreigner: Appeared in a documentary made and broadcasted by Wuhan Television Channel 6; 11th May, 2009.
• Distinct Scholar: Certificate awarded by Hubei Provincial Government, China for the Academic Year 2008-2009.
• Distinct Scholar: Certificate awarded by Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China for the Academic Year 2006-2007
• Awarded 1st Position: Essay writing competition by Allama Iqbal Open University, Pakistan. 2005 (City Level).
• Awarded 1st Position: Athletics (Long Jump): F.G. College of Commerce, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2001.
• Papers:
1. Chinese Car Manufacturers and the Challenge to Innovate: A Survey based upon Customer Perceptions: Submitted for the 9th International Conference on E-Business, Wuhan, China. May, 2010.
2. Exploring the Concept of Innovation: Published in the proceedings of the 4h International Conference on Product Innovation and Management, Wuhan, P.R. China. August, 2009.
3. Innovative Educational Institutes: Case of Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, P.R. China. Published in the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on E-Business, Wuhan, China. May, 2009.
4. Managing Technological Innovation: China’s Strategy and Challenges. Published in the proceedings of International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation in China, P.R. China. October, 2008.
5. Proposition of an Innovation Strategy for Sustained Competitive Advantage for Geely Automobile Holding Ltd. Published in the Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Product Innovation and Management, Wuhan, P.R. China. October, 2008.
6. Enhancing Innovative Capabilities of Chinese SMEs. (Second Author). Published in the proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Product Innovation Management, Wuhan, PR. China. October, 2008.
7. Motivation and Training Methods for Innovation in Chinese Enterprises. Published in the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation and Management. Wuhan University of Technology Press, Wuhan, China. December 2007.
8. Analysis of the Development Pattern of Silicon Valley of USA and Optics Valley of China. Published in the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation and Management. Wuhan University of Technology Press, Wuhan, China. December 2007.
9. Outsourcing for Innovation: An overview of the problems and possible Solutions. Presented and Published in the Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Product Innovation Management. Hubei people’s Press, Hubei, China. May, 2007.
• Magazine Articles:
1. Chinese Automobile Industry and the Challenges of Environmental Degradation and Intellectual Property: Implications for the Development of Green Vehicles through an IP-Based Industrial Innovation System. Submitted to Automark Magazine, Pakistan.
2. Chinese car manufacturers: Trends and Innovative Capabilities-IV. Automark Magazine, Pakistan. December, 2009.
3. Chinese car manufacturers: Trends and Innovative Capabilities-III. Automark Magazine, Pakistan. November, 2009.
4. Chinese car manufacturers: Trends and Innovative Capabilities-II. Automark Magazine, Pakistan. October, 2009.
5. Chinese car manufacturers: Trends and Innovative Capabilities-I. Automark Magazine, Pakistan. August, 2009.
6. BYD Auto’s Strategy for Technological Innovation: Hybrid and Electric Cars from China. Automark Magazine, Pakistan. July 2009.
7. Developing Innovative and Technological Capabilities is the debate in China. PDMA Visions Magazine, USA. July, 2009.
8. China’s Automobile Industry-III: Automark Magazine, Pakistan. .June 2009.
9. China’s Automobile Industry-II: Automark Magazine, Pakistan. May, 2009.
10. China’s Automobile Industry-I: Automark Magazine, Pakistan. April, 2009.
11. Growth of the Chinese automobile industry: The aim is independent innovation. PDMA Visions Magazine, USA. December, 2008.
12. Innovation: The Scenario. Automark Magazine, Pakistan. October, 2008.
13. What China-based Geely is doing in new product development to compete with global automakers. PDMA Visions Magazine, USA. September, 2008.
14. Automobile Industry, Innovation and Economic Growth. Automark Magazine, Pakistan. September, 2008.
15. How China is using a High-Tech Cluster Approach to strengthen its Innovation Strategy. PDMA Visions Magazine, USA. June, 2008.
16. Report on the 1st International Conference on Automotive Industry Innovation in China. Published by PDMA Visions Magazine, USA, June, 2007.
• 4th International Conference on Product Innovation Management (Attended). Wuhan, China. August, 2009.
• The Eighth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business (Attended). Wuhan, China. May, 2009.
• International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation in China. (Attended & Presented Paper). Beijing, China. October, 2008.
• 3rd International Conference on Product Innovation Management (Attended). Wuhan, China. October, 2008.
• 2nd International Conference on Product Innovation Management. (Attended & Presented Paper). Wuhan, China. 26th -27th May, 2007.
• 1st International Conference on Auto Industry Innovation. (Attended) Wuhan, China. 1st-3rd December, 2006.
• An Evaluation of the Innovative Capabilities of Chinese Car Manufacturers. Delivered at Huazhong University of Technology, Wuhan, P.R. China. December, 2009.
• Geely Auto’s Innovation Strategy for Sustained Competitive Advantage. Delivered at Huazhong University of Technology, Wuhan, P.R. China. October, 2009.
•Thoughts to manage distributed innovation processes: Collaborative Network Relationship Analysis to Manage Distributed Innovation Processes. Dr. Jens Eschenbacher (Attended). Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China. June, 2009.
•Innovation Management: Delivered a seminar to MBA students. Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China. January, 2009.
•Process Innovativeness in Technology Service Organisations: Roles of Differentiation Strategy, Operational Autonomy and Risk-taking Propensity. Dr. Maheshkumar P. Joshi. (Attended). Wuhan, China. May, 2008.
• How to Profit from Open Innovation? Prof. Dr. Wim Vanhaverbeke. Wuhan, China. (Attended). April, 2008.
• Business and Globalisation. Dr. Partha Sarahathi Ganguli. (Attended). Wuhan, China. March, 2008.
• E-Commerce: Delivered a seminar to Undergraduate students. Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China. April, 2009.
• Shanghai Ericsson Simteck Electronics Co. Ltd. Mr. Ake Fahlen. (Attended). Wuhan, China. January, 2007.