Prof. Xiang YU Delivered a Keynote Speech

On Oct. 15-16, 2011, Prof. Xiang YU, the director of International Exchange Center attended the fifth Sino-German University Presidents Meeting, which was organized by HUST and co-organized by TUM. Prof. Xiang YU gave a note speech entitled The Role of Science and Technology Management Plan and Intellectual Property Agreement in Promoting International Cooperation among Universities.

In the speech, Prof. Xiang YU pointed out the significance of Intellectual Property Rights in multinational projects and he also provided some practical advices.

Nine German universities and ten Chinese universities Centered on the theme Joint Efforts with Shared Mission: Closer Sino-German University Partnership, the representatives exchanged ideas on Sino-German Research Collaboration and Joint Laboratory Establishment, University and Regional Economic Development, University Policies and Management on IPR Protection and Technology Transfer in Germany and China, Bilateral University Credit Recognition and Dual Degree Program Policies, Sino-German Doctoral Education Policy and the Establishment of Sino-German Doctoral Institute, and Enhancing Reciprocity through Balanced Two-way Staff/Student Mobility. The conference has promoted the cooperation of international exchange projects between Chinese and German Universities.

Representatives from the MOE, NSFC, CSC, DFG, Sino-German Center for Science Promotion and DAAD took part in the meeting.

As it is reported, the Sino-German University Presidents Meeting was first started by Peking University and Humboldt University in year 2006. Since then the MEETING has been held four times, respectively in Beijing, Berlin, Shanghai and Tubingen. This meeting has become a significant platform for communication and discussion between Chinese and German universities.