Prof. Dr. Xiang YU attended the 3rd International Conference on Intellectual Property Protection of High Technology in Beijing

December 9th-10th, 2005: Prof. Xiang YU, Director, Chinese-German Institute of Intellectual Property, attended the 3rd International Conference on Intellectual Property Protection of High Technology held in Beijing, China. He made a presentation on the Comparative Study on the Patentability of Computer-related Inventions in the USA and EU. Prof. Xiang YU was invited by the School of Law, and, the Research Center for Intellectual Property Law, Tsinghua University.

The participants attending the conference included: Academics and Scholars from high ranking universities and institutes; Officers from patent offices; and lawyers and patent agents from law firms from within and outside China.

During the two-day conference, all the representatives made comprehensive and deep discussions and communication on topics such as: Patentability of the computer software, Substantial requirements of computer software patent, Examination of patent application for computer software, Patent protection of business methods, New development of copyright protection of the computer software, Theory and practice of the drafting of patent application document for computer software, the technology transfer and license of computer software, Management of the ntellectual property of computer software, and, Free computer software and open source movement.