Prof. Xiang YU Was Invited to Attend the WIPO Experts Meeting

March 16th 2009: Invited by WIPO officials, Prof. Xiang Yu visited Tokyo to attend the second round experts meeting on Institutional Infrastructure for IPR-Based Development in Asia, a co-sponsored collaborative research project between the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the United Nations University (UNU). Prof. Xiang Yu, Counsellor, WIPO, made a presentation titled Institutional Infrastructure for IPR-Based Development in China: An Empirical Study of National Patent Systems.

Discussed with WIPO officials and experts, Prof. Xiang Yu suggested that one of the core targets of the patent system is to effectively promote and guide the technological innovation and technological progress, including LDCs. Therefore he proposed that WIPO is responsible for effectively organizing and financing experts from the countries concerned for joint research and develop the international patent information platform and patent data analysis methods and tools to effectively guide and help enterprises make correct decisions. He also recommended a future research regarding Study on Techniques of the Patent Data Analysis for Guiding the Innovation in Enterprises.