Prof.Yu Xiang was invited to give a speech at the European intellectual property symposium

On May 13, 2014,the director of Chinese-German Institute for Intellectual Property Prof.Yu Xiang was invited to give a speech at the European intellectual property symposium. This symposium was held at the hall in the optical valley capital building and co-hosted by Wuhan intellectual property office,Wuhan intellectual property bureau, Wuhan arbitration commission,Wuhan lawyers association. The optical valley capital building, optical valley finance and technology network, Beijing dacheng law office(wuhan), Beijing Qingyihua intellectual property agency (Wuhan branch) are the associate organizers. The general secretary of Wuhan intellectual property office Zhou Jiaqi, vice president of wuhan lawyers association Wang Haiman, and partner of Beijing dacheng(Wuhan) law office Zhang Xianxian also delivered speechs for this symposium.

Mr.Emmanuel Huyghe who is from France fidal intellectual property office is the speaker of symposium, he gave a lecture for more than one hundred audiences on European patent system and the latest regulations introduced to Europe. He also made a deep analysis on the case of enterprise intellectual property management strategy. The rigorous legal logic, rich case proof and humor vivid style attracted the representatives of enterprises in attendance. His lecture make the audience get a comprehensive understanding of the tactics to apply for a patent in European Patent Office and the European intellectual property management strategies.