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Liguo LUO


  Liguo Luo

  Tel: (+86) 15960221346

  E-mail: llg1728@163.com

  Address: Luoyu Road 1037#

  430074 Wuhan, Hubei, PR.China

  Personal information

  Gender: male

  Date of Birth: Aug , 1983

  Field of Research: Intellectual Property and Technology Innovation


  Ø Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Management


  PhD Candidate of Management

  Field of Research: Intellectual Property and Technology Innovation

  Doctoral Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Xiang Yu

  Technische Universität München exchange student 2012.10-2013.3

  Ø Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Management


  Master of Law

  Field of Research: Economic Law

  Master’s supervisor: Prof. Dr. Xiang Yu

  Ø Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Management


  Bachelor of Management

  Bachelor of Law

  Research Projects Participated

  Ø WIPO Project :“Institutional infrastructure for IPR-based development in Asia”. 2008.2-2009.5

  Ø National Natural Science Foundation funded project : “Guide Technical Innovation Patent Information Mining and Analysis Techniques Study”. 2011.1-present

  Ø Xiangyang Lake dairy farm seed commissioned project : “Xiangyang Lake dairy farm seed Intellectual Property Management Consultation”. 2008.3-2008.10

  Ø An engineering university Commissioned project : “Patent strategy-oriented scientific research management mechanism theoretical analysis and case empirical study”. 2009.9—2010.12


  Ø Liguo Luo. Study on Patent Map in Database. Intellectual Property, 2008 (5).(in Chinese)

  Ø Raja Irfan Sabir, Liguo Luo. Patent based Innovation and the Chinese CarManufacturers. Automark Magazine, Pakistan. 2010 3(6)

  Ø Raja Irfan Sabir, Liguo Luo. A Research on the Innovative Capabilities of Chinese Car Manufacturers by Analysing the Patent Information Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Innovation and Management(ICIM 2010)-5,2010, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan: Wuhan University of Technology Press. CPCI-Science.

  Ø Qiongdi Chen, Liguo Luo, Xiang Yu, Hong Qiu. Patent Analysis and Research on Biomass Power Generation – Based on Guiding the Technical Innovation of Enterprises. Science & Technology Progress and Policy. 2011(14). (in Chinese)

  Ø Liguo Luo, Lizhen Luo. The protection of Well-Known Trademark – the case of “Shenzhen FIYTA” vs “Changshu FIYTA”. China Trademark. 2011(7). (in Chinese)

  Ø Liguo Luo, Xiang Yu, Qiongdi Chen. Study on the Application of Patent Information Analysis in Enterprises Technological Innovation – A Case study of Biomass Power Generation Technology. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2011(18). (in Chinese)

  Ø Raja Irfan Sabir, Luo Liguo. IP Based Industrial Innovation System: Implications of Developing Green Vehicles for the Chinese Automobile Industry. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Social Sciences and Society(ICSSS 2011). Oct. 14-15, 2011, Shanghai. Information Engineering Research Institute Press. CPCI-SSH(ISSHP/ISTP)

  Ø Liguo Luo et al. Comparative Study on Patent Retrieval Websites. Journal of Intelligence. 2012(3). (in Chinese)

  Ø Liguo Luo et al. China’s Electronic Vehicle Technology Patent Network Research. Journal of Intelligence. 2012(12). (in Chinese)

  Ø Liguo Luo et al. Research on the Knowledge Flow Capability of “985 Universities” based on Patent License Network. Chinese Journal of Management. (Accepted)

  Work Experiences

  2005.7-2006.9 Xintian technology Co.Ltd, Xiamen, software engineer.

  2007.3-2007.6 China council for the Promotion of International Trade - Patent and Trademark Law Office, Beijing.

  2012.5 XiangTan University Intellectual Property Institute, Patent Agency Practice Course.

  Professional Certificates

  Chinese Patent Agent Qualification Certificate (granted in 2010).

  Chinese Legal Professional Qualification Certificate (granted in 2010).
